Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Autumn Bento #8

Autumn in Miami is a very tricky thing. The ambient temperature yesterday was about 99 degrees in the shade. Despite our forcast signs of plastic pumkins are starting to appear in the stores-Halloween is huge here. All we need in Miami is an excuse for a big block party. This bento is my attempt to get into the seasonal mode. The lower tier is filled with golden curry (chicken breast, potato, calabaza,dried cranberry) plus a sliced apple. The top tier contains rice with scallions and pumpkin picks. I used the curry and the calabaza for the first time last night for supper. I loved it, although it could have used some salt. I couldn't sell it on another soul in my house. Too many vegetables for one child, too orange for another and too bland for my husband. The truth is I cook most of the time for them and sometimes just for me. Last night was my turn.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Miami! My inlaws are in cocoa beach and we visited once in August and I thought I would DIE. So hot and muggy! You'd think your bentos would all melt ;)

    The golden curry sounds really yummy!
