Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rapid Bento #11 Steamed Pork Bun and Onigiri

This bento is composed of a steamed pork bun, edamame, dried apricots, cherry tomatoes, fat-free turkey hot dog skewer and mustard. Although it is not very creative, I think I got most of my colors in and it should be tasty. This bento is for my daughter and I made a twin for myself. I have never tried pork buns before but I have seen them in a lot of cookbooks so I thought I would give it a go. This one was purchased flash frozen and I steamed it in my rice cooker with the bamboo basket. Fifteen minutes from start to finish, not bad. Still no sugar cookies, had to make a mad dash to Micheals to buy an artist canvas for a last minute school project for daughter #2. The project turned out great. I ran out of steam. There's always tomorrow...


  1. Yum! I love steamed buns, what did you think of them?

  2. I bought some steamed pork buns to try out for kidlet lunches and he wouldn't eat them. I think its an exposure thing though, so I will probably try it again.

    What did your daughter think?

  3. My daughter really liked the steamed bun. She is in high school so I have the advantage of a child with mature taste. I liked it.
